Welcome to Revival Baptist Church Online


We Are Honored To Have You Visit Our Website


We are an independent fundamental Baptist church in the heart of Scranton, Pennsylvania.  Please take some time and look around on our website.  We have tried to make this site as simple and friendly as possible.


For regular updates on current events and how they relate to Bible prophecy, check out Pastor Bloem's  "Prophecy Watch" commentary. Sermons on prophecy are also available in our Audio Archive section. 


If you want to hear the latest sermons from our pulpit, click on the "Audio Sermons" tab.  Sermons are available for you to listen to in MP3 format. We believe that our pastor's message from God's Holy Word is urgently needed at this time in history!


You may also sign our guestbook so we can have a record of your visit with us.  Finally, if you would like to be a blessing to us financially, you may donate by clicking here.



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Click Here to Listen to the  

Latest Messages

From 10/6/2024




Where Does the Direct Attack

By Iran Against Israel

Fit in the Prophecy Puzzle?

Click  Here to Listen to Part 3!




What Does the Attack From Gaza Mean to YOU?

Click Here to Listen to the Series!!










 Click here for the Audio

of the Series on Revelation






The Testimony


Diane Paone 




 Click Here to read an Excellent

Breast Cancer Survivor Blog

 On Christ the Solid Rock I Stand







Decades of Service, Pastor & Kathy Bloem!!

We Love you!















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The Fundamental Top 500